Debt Utilisation Status as on October 04,2022

Debt utilization in Government securities
:: Debt Utilization Status - General Limit ::

Instrument Type Eligible Foreign Investors Upper Limit (INR Cr) Investment (INR Cr) Unutilised Blocks (INR Cr) Total Investment (INR Cr) % of Limits Utilised Limit Available for Investment

:: FAR Holdings ::

ISIN Security Description Indicative Value Of Aggregate Holding Of FPIS (INR CR#) Outstanding Position Of Govt# Securities (INR CR#) Sec Holdings (%)

:: Security Wise Holdings - General Limit ::

ISIN Security Description Indicative Value Of Aggregate Holding Of FPIS (INR CR#) Outstanding Position Of Govt# Securities (INR CR#) Sec Holdings (%)

:: Re-investment of coupons in Government securities - General Limit ::

Type of Instrument Investment (INR Cr) Unutilised Limit available with FPIs as per re-investment eligibility (INR Cr) Total Investment including unutilised limits (INR Cr)

:: VRR allotment details ::

VRR Allotment (1) (1)_11.pdf