FPI Net Investment Details (Quarterly)
Quarterly FPI Net Investment

 Quarterly FPI Net Investment
QuarterINR Crores
EquityDebtHybridMutual FundsAlternative Investment Funds (AIFs)Total
EquityDebt-General LimitDebt-VRRDebt-FARHybridEquityDebtHybridSolution OrientedOtherAIF
Quarter 3(July-Sep)11999989440-53671-368-1300-100-62019814028411944595
Total - 202411999989440-53671-368-1300-100-62019814028411944595

Notes :
-The data presented above is compiled on the basis of reports submitted to Depositories by Custodians and constitutes trades conducted by FPIs on and up to the previous trading day(s).
- The quarterly net investment of FPIs in Debt-FAR, Mutual Funds and AIF segment have been included in the aforesaid report w.e.f. September 2024.